
Self-Care and Balance: The Rhythm Behind MYBASS

fitness time

Balance and Self-Care: How My Wellness Practices Guide the Rhythm of MYBASS

Taking care of myself is something I’ve come to value over the years, and today I consider it essential not only for my mental and physical health but also for the growth of MYBASS. Among the hustle of everyday life, I have certain practices that help me maintain balance and clarity because I’ve realized that when I’m well, my decisions for MYBASS are sharper, and my creativity flows more easily.

The Calm of the Early Hours of the Day

Whenever possible, I wake up before everyone else. I love to feel the silence and calm of early mornings, around 5 AM, when the world seems still asleep. This is my moment of peace. I take those few minutes of tranquility to organize my day, sort my thoughts, and read a little. Then, I go to my workout session—something I consider essential. For me, the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body” couldn’t be more true. These practices provide me with a foundation and help me start the day refreshed, with the energy needed to face the challenges ahead.

Learning to Disconnect

Disconnecting from work is still a challenge for me, but little by little, I’m teaching myself to create specific breaks throughout the day. I used to be the type of person who would eat lunch standing up, quickly, while taking care of something else. Now, I make it a point to sit at the table and eat calmly, trying to enjoy those moments mindfully. I’ve also started taking a break in the afternoon to have coffee and call a friend, catching up and “clearing my head.” These small habits help me recharge and give me more clarity for the rest of the day.

The Impact of Self-Care on My Work

I’ve noticed that self-care has a direct impact on my work. On days when I’m extremely tired, when I don’t rest properly or skip those breaks, work simply doesn’t flow. The decisions I need to make aren’t as clear, and the energy to create something new seems to disappear. Over time, I’ve learned that taking care of myself is a necessity, not a luxury—it’s an essential element for me to give my best to MYBASS.

The Importance of Feeling Good

Another moment I cherish is when I take time for myself—doing my skincare, washing and drying my hair, putting on makeup, and wearing an outfit that makes me feel beautiful. It’s a simple act, but it gives me confidence and makes me feel ready for anything. It’s these small rituals that bring me a sense of well-being and self-assurance, something I want to pass on to the women of MYBASS.

Self-Care as an Act of Self-Love

For many of us women, self-care often comes last. We’re used to taking care of others—our family, children, husbands—and we end up neglecting ourselves. But I believe that taking care of ourselves is an act of self-love and a necessity. After all, we can only give our best to others when we’re feeling good. It’s this same philosophy that I want to bring to MYBASS. I want every piece from the brand to be a reminder that every woman deserves to feel good about herself—that the modern, cosmopolitan woman of MYBASS is one who values her well-being and authenticity.


My personal balance and the self-care practices I cultivate directly influence the rhythm of my work. I believe that in order to build an authentic brand that truly resonates with other women, I need to be well with myself. After all, the essence of MYBASS is precisely this: clothes that reflect the power, beauty, and confidence of women who, among their busy lives, know that taking care of themselves is the first step to conquering the world.

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